Federal Employee – Do You Really Want To Retire?
As a federal employee, the question ‘Do you really want to retire?’ is a totally different question than can you retire. If you don’t really want to retire because you feel you have a lot more to give and the thought of retirement simply does not appeal to you, is not an usual phenomenon.
Annual Leave: Summer is Here
If you are looking at retirement in the next 3 to 5 years, you might want to rethink how you use those accumulated annual leave hours – both sick and unused annual leave can have an impact on your federal retirement.
Weekly Newsletter- KEEPERS OF THE FIRE
Weekly Newsletter Weekly Newsletter: Who will keep the fires burning as current federal and postal employees look towards retirement? It is estimated that more than half of the federal and postal workforce will be eligible for retirement in the next 10 years or before. This estimate represents a huge drain of institutional knowledge on the largest […]
FEGLI – Questions to Ponder
FEGLI, the resounding theme has been centered around the questions of how much life insurance is needed and what do you want the life insurance to do for you and your family.