How to Reassess and Adjust Your FEGLI Coverage in Retirement

Key Takeaways:
Reassessing FEGLI coverage in retirement involves evaluating financial needs, adjusting coverage to match income and expenses,…
Maximizing Your Federal Pension: Advice from Retirement Experts

Key Takeaways:
Maximizing your federal pension involves strategic planning across various aspects, including understanding your pension plan, optimizing salary, and timing retirement.Incorporating advice from retirement experts can h…
Learn About These Top Strategies for a Comfortable Federal Retirement

Key Takeaways:
Optimizing retirement benefits and planning strategically can ensure a comfortable retirement for federal employees.Implementing proven strategies such as maximizing TSP contributions, understanding FERS benefits, and …
Federal Employee Benefits Amidst Political Shifts: What’s There to Know?

Key Takeaways:
Political shifts can significantly impact federal employee benefits, including retirement plans, health insurance, and work-life bal…
Federal Employee Pay Raise: What to Expect in the Coming Year

Key Takeaways:
Federal employee pay raises are influenced by various factors including economic conditions, budget proposals, and legislative decis…
Tips for Managing and Benefiting from the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program

Key Takeaways:
Managing your Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (
Common Mistakes People Could Make When Filing a QDRO for Federal Retirement

Key Takeaways:
Properly filing a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is crucial to ensuring a fair division of federal retirement benefits during a divorce.Avoiding common mistakes in QDRO preparation and submission can prevent…
OPM: During Open Season, Many Federal Employees Overlook Valuable Healthcare Savings.

The annual Federal Ben…
Preparation – Federal Survivors’ Compensation

It is possible to increase the amount of a federal employee’s annuity by contributing any time spent on active duty in the armed forces during the past four weeks, as detailed in my blog entries. When reading this essay, you should better understand what happens to your heirs after you pass away…
What Does The End Of Medicare Part A Mean For You?
