FEGLI (Federal Employees Group Life Insurance) is Group Term Life Insurance offered to Federal and Postal employees. Federal and Postal Employees are offered a number of great benefits to help them take care of themselves and their families.
Life Insurance has long been thought of as protection for family members in the event of death, more of a burial insurance. Life insurance covers burial expenses or what I like to refer to as taking care of “the final business of our lives.” In addition to covering burial expenses, life insurance may also be used to cover other outstanding debt as well as provide for survivors.
The federal benefit plan is designed to provide its members with a comprehensive array of services to protect and enhance the lives of members and their families——–Health Insurance (FEHB), Vision and Dental (FEDVIP) coverage, a Pension plan, a way to save for retirement via the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) and the means to prepare for the final business of our lives —life insurance.
We will discuss in later posts The Provisions of FEGLI, How FEGLI Works in Retirement and Life Insurance – WHY?
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
Click HERE for information on Social Security
Click HERE for information on Federal Retirement
Click HERE for information on FEGLI
Click HERE for information on TSP.gov login