The OPM has directed the carriers to include Autism Spectrum Disorder in the healthcare and insurance plans for federal employees. It will allow the service men and women to take better care of an autistic child. This new policy also includes retirees and their dependents. This policy is expected to be implemented from 2017.
The Relief for the Federal Employees
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The Therapy
It is pertinent to add that ABA therapy helps the children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to improve their socially significant behaviors such as communication, social skills, living skills, reading, and academics. The therapy has garnered positive results in most cases.
The Hope
This change is said to be implemented from 2017 and the OPM expects all the carriers to provide medical and clinical assistance to the children of federal employees who are diagnosed with ASD. This step was taken by OPM after they thoroughly monitored research supporting the positive outcomes ABA may lead to for a period of 3 years. They also studied the data on the availability of ABA therapy providers who are qualified and skilled to make the therapy work.
The Opinion
Most of the advocates of Autism therapy have welcomed this effective step recently. This is a welcome move that helps the autistic children to make their own place in society and get help in solving their issues. This is not the first step taken in favor of autistic children. Autism speaks reports say that 43 states have already passed legislations that make it mandatory for at least some insurance plans to cover ABA therapy.
The Scope
The new policy, if implemented correctly would benefit more than 8 million people who fall under the category of FEHB plans. It is also being assumed that the step taken by nation’s largest employer may prompt private employers to ensure that their employees also receive the APA therapy for children with ASD disorder as part of the health insurance like the federal employees are soon to get.