Your spouse, partner, or children will appreciate this article if you become incapacitated due to cognitive deterioration or pass away. First and foremost, the information comes from you. Second, the informational sources are all government entities they must become acquainted with to comprehend their position as your advocate, care provider, or beneficiary. Third, these digital resources are updated regularly, ensuring that the material is up to date when needed.
This article is designed to be used as an attachment to be shared with others through email. The idea is that by giving this information, you’re presenting them with several reliable digital resources that can be shared with them now, electronically archived by them, and made available to them when required in the future.
Remind your close ones about the article when you give them specifics about your estate planning instructions, such as your will, advance directives, powers of attorney, etc.
Important Federal Agency Resources
- Also Read: 3 Reasons Why Law Enforcement Officers Can Retire Sooner Than Most Federal Employees Without Major Penalties
- Also Read: Six Early Retirement Myths Federal Employees Are Finally Busting
- Also Read: Six Postal Worker Benefit Trends to Watch Closely This Year
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
During their retirement, all federal annuitants, regardless of the federal agency they worked for, are subject to the oversight of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
Here’s an example of how to collect information using the OPM search box. For example, entering “death” into the OPM’s search box yields 49 results. Each outcome provides a two or three-sentence summary of the associated material, for instance, FAQs on the death of a government employee or annuitant. All the links provide paperwork, extensive descriptions of a procedure, or other relevant information.
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
Almost everything a spouse, partner, and children need to know about the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) may be found in a special section for beneficiaries on their website. The site includes a PDF document entitled “Your TSP Account: A Guide for Beneficiary Participants,” which may be accessed via the website.
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Social Security offers various resources that others close to you may find valuable. The first is about people helping others and how Social Security can help you when a family member dies.
Medicare provides information on important Medicare-related matters such as where to sign up for Medicare, how to change plans, the advantages of Medicare drug coverage, and where to get Medicare paperwork for claims and appeals. It offers a searchable database of Medicare-accepting medical providers.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The CDC provides an overview of Alzheimer’s disease and offers a wide range of information on the subject and the option to get email updates.
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS)
The NLS provides a plethora of resources for senior citizens and their families. At least once a year, various organizations, online tools, and publications from government, academic, and nonprofit sources are updated. Connections for caregivers, legal, eyesight, physical health, and psychological health services are a few of the topics covered.
These tools aren’t meant to be a replacement for thorough estate planning. Conversations with the receivers of this article may be just what you need to get started on a personal estate plan.
Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 2178542386
Bill and his associates of Faith Financial Advisors have over 30 years’ experience in the financial services industry.
He has been a Federal Employee (FERS) independent advocate and an affiliate of PSRE, Public Sector Retirement Educators, a Federal Contractor and Registered Vendor to the Federal Government, also an affiliate of TSP Withdrawal Consultants.
Bill will help you understand the FERS Benefits and TSP withdrawal options in detail while also helping to guide you in your Social Security choices.
Our primary goal is to guide you into your ment with no regrets; safe, predictable, stable and for life using forward thinking ideas and concepts.
Bullet points:
> Financial Services consultant since 1984
> FERS independent advocate and an affiliate of Public Sector Retirement Educators (PSRE), a Federal Contractor and Registered Vendors to the
Federal Government
> Affiliate of TSP Withdrawal Consultants
> His goal is to guide individuals into retirement with safe, and predictable choices for stability using forward thinking ideas and concepts.