Bullying in the Federal Workplace
Does bullying only happen on the playground or in classrooms amongst elementary, junior and high school students? If the parameters were that contained, we might be able to get a better handle on it. Bullying takes place in almost every venue and avenue we can think of. The saddest report is that it takes place in the federal workplace. I was asked the other day if bullying were the same as harassment. I thought about it for a moment and then I said, “Let me think about it while I prepare for my next class and I’ll give you my thoughts.”
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Webster defines HARASSMENT as such: To annoy or torment repeatedly and persistently. To impede by repeated attacks or raids. To wear our, exhaust. He also defines BULLY: One who is habitually cruel, especially to smaller or weaker people. To intimidate with superior size or strength. I told her in my estimation bullying and harassment were virtually the same. Each encompasses habitual or repeated annoyance to someone whether that someone be smaller in stature or position. It is the taking advantage of someone whom you feel lacks the standing or position to level the playing field.
I further told her that there are laws that protect individuals from harassment/bullying and the workplace should be particularly cognizant of such behavior. I explained that action to prevent it and stop bullying and harassment should be swift and unyielding. Whatever we want to call it, to make someone so uncomfortable that they fear your presence or fear coming to work, to school, to the playground, the library, home or countless other places and situations are an unbearable predicament to be in.
Then I had to separate realty from the law. We have many laws that are designed to stop and prevent. However, laws are written and can only be enforced by legal means often taking an exhaustive amount of time to actually realize a remedy. Preventing and stopping harassment and bullying is the responsibility of parents, families, communities, churches, schools, places of employment and each of us individually.
My explanation did little to heal her wounds of suffering for more than 15 years at the hands of her supervisors (superior size and strength via their position). After becoming literally exhausted, she retired without being financially or emotionally ready. She felt she had no choice, because her supervisor was the head of the agency and she felt the climb was too steep to make a difference.
Now here is the lesson. Harassment and bullying are not reported because it is specifically happening to you, but because if it happened to you, it will inevitably happen to someone else. It is like discrimination, it is not a raindrop that only falls on your head, it sort of rains all over and who knows where the rain will fall. Harassment and bullying are pervasive and deadly. We need to stop it in its tracks and we need to be very stern and deliberate about it.
Making our world safe and free of harassment, discrimination and unwanted sexual advances are the responsibilities of everyone. The next post will feature what the United States Postal Service has to say about safeguarding all of its employees. I think they have said it best. They have made it all inclusive and have covered the kind of ground every employer needs to.
Retirement should never be because you have become exhausted due to ill treatment, cruelty, consistent and habitual tormenting by someone you feel has the power to make your life miserable. Remember these two evils – harassment and bullying or this one evil can come from anyone, any place and at any time.
P.S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
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