The number of Social Security credits needed to collect the Social Security benefit differ from the number of credits needed to qualify for disability. The number of credits needed for disability benefits depends upon your age when you became disabled. the following credits apply depending on when you became disabled:
-Prior to age 24 – 1 ½ years of work equivalent to 6 credits in the 3 years prior to your disability.
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-Disability at age 31 or older, 20 credits are needed in the 10 years immediately prior to when you became disabled.
There are always exceptions to every rule and policies and guidelines change. It is always important to check with Social Security if your disability falls outside of the time frames outlined, as these circumstances only represent the tip of the iceberg. Social Security will help you iron out any rough spots you might have about your benefits.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
Dianna Tafazoli