Last month we wrote an article titled Federal Employees’ Union bats for Donald Trump when the NBPC demonstrated support to the presidential candidate, Donald Trump. Now, the presidential candidate has reciprocated their gesture when he appeared on The Green Line Show on Sunday. He said that he understands that they are not given complete autonomy and when he comes to power, he will give them more freedom and value their opinion a lot more than the current government.

Trump Praised the Federal Employees’ Union
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More Autonomy
Trump promised more autonomy to the agency so that the people securing the border can do their job in the way they want to rather than the way they were directed to do. He even stated that he will change the leadership of Customs and Border Protection. He will add new people to it. This will ensure that the border patrol people are taken care of and they are getting enough respect.
The Wall on the Southern Border
The businessman also confirmed that NBPC leaders supported his idea of constructing a wall along the southern borders.
Better Than Consultants
The presumptive nominee of the Republican Party for President of the United States stated that he would base his policies on the wisdom shared by rank and file. He said that he will depend on the NBPC officials to guide him on what to do. He will conduct regular meetings with the officials and listen to their ideas. He said that he will do so because NBPC leaders are better than any consultants anyone can hire. He said that they know more than the consultants.
Full Support
Trump also added that he was 100 percent with NBPC and he’s got their back. He wishes to stay committed to them. It seems that Trump is trying very hard to show his feelings towards the NBPC because it is the only federal employees’ organization that has shown support to him. He has had many bad experiences with organized labor in the past.