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Not affiliated with The United States Office of Personnel Management or any government agency

federal workers - Aubrey Lovegrove

Federal Retirement Process Explained

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″ el_class=”section section1″][vc_column_text]When it comes to living the retirement lifestyle of your dreams, it’s never too early to start planning for retirement. What are you planning to do once you enter retirement? Travel, spend time with family, garden, or go golfing? Where are you planning to live?

You need to start looking at the assets you are accumulating as well as all other sources of income that you might have. This includes everything from your TSP, social security, and FERS or CSRS annuity. All this will help in determining whether you will be able to achieve your goal. In the calculation, it is essential to include the estimated rate of return and inflation.

There are endless conversations when it comes to retirement; here, we are driving our focus on retiring from your agency and the retirement process.

Redeposit or Deposit? Here’s What to do

You should take immediate action if there are periods of service where you hadn’t been contributing to FERS or CSRS. Where you received a refund of your retirement contribution to find out how much it would cost you, including interest and principal. To maximize your benefits, ensure you request a reasonable time before your intender retirement seeing as it takes a year to attain this information.

What to do if You Want to Make a Deposit for Military Service

You cannot add credit to your annuity using your military service if you are eligible for military pay. Plan appropriately, seeing as it takes roughly 120 days to process, and you must deposit before the retirement date. You have to make sure you complete estimated earnings during military service and attach copies of all DD forms 214 and mail it to the appropriate military finance center. Complete the application to make service credit payment after you have received your estimated military earnings.

Processing retirement paperwork

It’s recommended that you work with your Human research Officer (HRO), don’t panic if you don’t have one though. The following are a few steps to guide you in processing your retirement paperwork.

1. Complete your application for retirement, including a complete FERS and CSRS, a continuation of life insurance after retirement; when done, mail them to your HRO office if they do retirement processing or to your Agency Benefit Office.

2. If you are married, your spouse must give consent by signing in the presence of a notary before submitting your application, this is if you intend on electing less than a full survivor benefit.

3. Submit a copy of your marriage certificate if you are married.

4. When no one is eligible for benefits, complete the beneficiary designation for the lumpsum payment or retirement contributions.

5. According to what your agency dictates or 60 days before your retirement date, get completed forms to your benefits office.

6. Your payroll record will be closed out when your retirement application is forwarded to your servicing payroll office. So, calculate your lumpsum leave payment and complete other payroll actions.

7. OPM is then forwarded to the application package by your payroll office.

8. Once OPM receives your retirement application from your agency, you will receive a welcome letter via mail, including a retirement card with a seven-digit number that is your CSA number. Also, you will receive a password that will give you access to your annuity at online OPM services.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”36753″ img_size=”292×285″ style=”vc_box_shadow”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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