FEGLIÂ – The Extra Benefit
We have talked a lot about FEGLI and yet there are many aspects of the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance we still need to touch upon. If we don’t hit upon every single aspect of FEGLI and FEGLI Rates and there are still things you need and want to know, just drop a comment so that we can address your concerns. Our goal is to hopefully answer your questions and discuss topics in a way that is clear and refreshing.
We certainly try to use an approach that is more like talking to your friend in the living room or for me; the hang-out is the kitchen. Wherever you decide to have the conversation, the important thing is to have it. End of life discussions can be difficult for families and friends. I like to refer to life, whether it is the beginning or the end of the journey as –Getting Prepared for the ME.
Who knows better about what you like and how you like it than you. Therefore, it is simply better to have the opportunity to make your own preparations just the way you like. We didn’t talk about the extra benefit provision of FEGLI in our past posts. I thought it needed its own space:
FEGLI offers an extra benefit to employees under age 45 at no extra charge. The benefit doubles the amount of life insurance payable when you are age 35 or younger. However, on your 36th birthday, the extra benefit decreases at the rate of 10% annually terminating the benefit at age 45. The extra benefit is one of those extra good-to-know items you don’t want to pass-up without evaluating it benefits to you.
Click HERE for information on Retirement Planning
Click HERE for information on FEGLI
Click HERE for information on TSP.gov login
Click HERE for information on FEGLI Calculator
In the following posts we are going to discuss a few other important aspects of FEGLI.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.