Do you know these financial terms?
Just like technology, there are many terms in the domain of finance that are really hard to grasp for the layman. Like technology has ubiquitous computing and IOT, finance has also got its prime rates, amortizations and compound interests. These terms completely baffle the people with little or no experience in finance and because our country’s normal citizen is always in some sort of financial crisis, the more they know the better.
Here we have compiled a list of only some of the terms that we believe are very important for the common man to know about. There are a lot more terms that need to be elaborated but these are some that needed to be talked about:
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401(k): This is a retirement savings plan that is offered by a majority of the companies to their employees. Upon the signing of the 401 (k) savings funds’ contract, a small part of your salary gets deposited to an account and after retirement you would be able to enjoy these savings.
APR: Annual percentage rate is the interest rate that you would pay on a loan that you couldn’t manage to pay during its legal deadline.
ARM: ARM stands for Adjustable rate mortgage. The interest rate changes over a specific period of years for this mortgage plan.
Capital gain/loss: IF you end up selling something for a larger amount compared to what you actually paid to acquire it, then you have won a capital gain. The opposite is true for incurring a capital loss.