Getting Help Planning Your Retirement
Getting involved early in planning will allow federal and postal workers the opportunity to create additional financial resources to increase their retirement comfort. We always hear the phrase, “Know Your Number” – the amount of money you will need to retire with financial security. This is especially important when you consider your Thrift Savings Plan and also your CSRS or FERS annuity.
- Also Read: 4 Signs That Taking Early Retirement Might Not Be the Right Move for You
- Also Read: Why the FERS Supplement Remains One of the Best-Kept Secrets in Federal Retirement
- Also Read: How Roth IRA Impacts Your Retirement Planning: Find Out Here
There are many on-line calculators that can be used for that purpose to evaluate estimates. There is really no guaranteed formula for calculating exactly how much money you will need in retirement. There are strategies and planning, however, that will give you a fairly good estimate and ways to get there. Although every situation and circumstance is unique to the individual it is still a good plan to gather all of your financial information and to engage a financial planner or adviser who has been trained in your federal retirement benefits.
Finding a financial adviser is not one-stop shopping. Finding the right fit for you requires some research, some investigation, perhaps a referral and just trusting your gut. Putting all of your plans in place to retire well is one of the best gifts you will ever give to yourself.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.