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Kevin D Wirth

Getting Started Early for a Successful Retirement by Kevin Wirth

Kevin Wirth Explains How to Get Started Early for a Successful Retirement

Nearly everyone dreams about the day they can retire. Regardless of whether you plan to hike in the mountains, relax on the beach, or volunteer in a faraway place, one thing is for certain, and that is in order to have a successful retirement, a good plan should ideally be in place.

Unfortunately, though, not everyone has the opportunity to do an ample amount of long-term planning. That may be due to an unexpected health situation, an offer of early retirement, or some other event that has moved up the clock on your leaving the world of employment.

In any case, the good news is that you still have some options on your side for making the most of your finances, as well as your insurance benefits, for your retirement years. The best way that you can ensure success beforehand, then, is to start by taking a good inventory of what you’ve got.

Getting All of Your Retirement Ducks in a Row

As you plan for this next phase of your life, the most important aspects from a planning standpoint will include the following:

  • Insurance – Because health care can be a retiree’s biggest expense, you will want to make sure that you have good coverage here. If you won’t be eligible for Medicare yet, and if being added to a spouse or partner’s employer-sponsored health plan also isn’t an option, then there are ways that you can take your FEHB (Federal Employees’ Health Benefits) with you – provided that you meet certain criteria. You will also want to ensure that you don’t leave your loved ones vulnerable to financial hardship when it comes to life insurance. So, be sure that you check into either an individual plan of coverage, or consider taking your FEGLI (Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance) coverage with you in retirement.
  • Financial – A good, solid financial plan is also an essential aspect of a successful retirement. This is because in order to live the lifestyle that you desire, you will need a way to replace your current income. Therefore, you should start by obtaining an approximation of how much you will be receiving from your retirement annuity when that time comes. If you’re covered by FERS, inquire as to how much income you’ll get from Social Security benefits, too. Because this income won’t likely be enough to completely replace your employer’s salary, you will also want to give yourself a boost by maxing your contributions while you still can to the TSP (Thrift Savings Plan). This will help you to obtain a larger amount of payout when the time comes to convert your savings into income down the road.

Once you have actually decided when the big day will be, you will want to get your retirement paperwork filled out in plenty of time. Typically, you should do so approximately two months prior to your actual date of retiring. This will help to ensure that all goes well – and just in case there are any glitches, you will have some time to get things straightened out and back on track.

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