A U.S. senator has lost his cool while talking about a study that’s funded by the government. This study has an approximate budget of 375 thousand dollars and it’s meant to examine the dating habits of senior residents of the country. Apart from this, he has also pointed his finger at a 683 thousand dollar program of the National Endowment of the Arts that includes mute Hamlet performances. He believes (and we can seem to disagree) that these are the two most unexplainable spending currently made by the government.
James Lankford’s report has taken some massive whacks at the expenditures that encompass all sorts of programs from amusement programs to research ones. He has highlighted the government spending that should ideally be used for something more productive.
Where is the government spending headed?
The senator has made some very strong and valid points about the inefficacy of the government spending in his report. He stresses on the fact that where there are children devoid of the ability to afford studies and families failing to make ends meet and get loans, the government is spending money on programs that make no sense to him. He highlighted the recent OPM data breach that resulted in the compromise of data of around 20 million employees and raises the argument that the government has not got its priorities straight.
When you look at things from the perspective that he has presented, his points do make a lot of sense. These programs might have some goals and objectives but when there is ever-growing poverty in the country and retirees fighting for retirement plan attainments through faulty procedures, money should be spent elsewhere to make the society a better place. Here’s hoping that his efforts don’t just go in vain and the government actually takes steps to ascertain his claims.