Do not get overwhelmed by trying to process too much information at once.
An enormous amount of information is shared on the subject of helping Federal and Postal employees retire comfortably.  It is our aim to contribute and share what we know to help you retire well and to maximize your Federal and Postal benefits.
We liken the information provided to a restaurant with the finest menu imaginable. Although, you crave to try everything on the menu, the experience will be lost if you attempt to eat everything at once. Overdoing it loses its appeal.
There are so many things to understand and digest about FERS, CSRS the TSP, the Federal Retirement Systems and  therefore retirement in general. So take it one step at a time, choose something from the menu and take your time digesting it so that you can savor the flavor and remember the experience.
By taking it one step at a time, you will be amazed at how much information you have digested and how better prepared you are to select exactly what fits your needs and smile your way into a retirement future you have control over. That is the key to retiring well.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.