LEO: Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs)
The federal LEO workforce is well acquainted with COLAs during their work careers. As we present information in a comprehensive-friendly environment, it is our goal in providing that information to assist in paving the way for federal and postal employees to retire well.
COLAs extend into retirement
- Also Read: Early Retirement Dreams Federal Employees Have—And the Realities They Should Prepare For
- Also Read: Special Retirement Plans for FAA and LEO Workers Are Getting a Lot of Buzz—Here’s Why
- Also Read: The Postal Service Health Benefits Program Is Here—What It Means for Your Coverage
If you are a FERS retiree and are under age 62 and don’t meet the above criteria, you are not eligible for a COLA until you reach the age of 62.
*Provisions also cover Air Traffic Controllers and Firefighters.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
Related LEO Articles
Explanation of FERS Component for LEOs
LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) FERS Supplement