Law Enforcement Officer FERS Supplement

Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) who retire before reaching age 62, the age of first eligibility for Social Security benefits, are qualified for what is commonly called a FERS supplement. It is better explained as a gap filler.  Through the FERS Supplement, LEOs essentially receive what they would get from Social Security if they had reached the age of Social Security eligibility.
LEOs are eligible to receive the
FERS Supplement until reaching the age of 62. The FERS Supplement is generally less than the actual Social Security benefit payment, it is an approximation of the benefit.  For LEOs, the FERS Supplement is adjusted annually to reflect the change in the consumer price index (CPI), the same as regular Social Security benefits.
The earnings limitation due to the supplement are not applicable until Social Security eligibility is reached. Retired persons who receive Social Security benefits and are not LEOs may be subject to the earnings limitation if they have not reached full retirement age.
Earnings are reduced by $1 for every $2 earned and by $2 for every $3 earned. Individuals born between approximately 1945 and 1971 will reach full retirement age at 66. At that time there is no limitation on the amount of money that can be earned. I know you cannot wait to turn 66.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
For more information on FERS eligibility click HERE
Do you know your Best Day To Retire?
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