CST Brands has been a great and credible vendor for the past few years and they are the owner of the excellent venture Corner store which is a massive chain of convenience stores. They are expected to up the ante a bit more and issue some nice little (Well not so little) employee stock plans for officers and employees. This will allow the employees to get a chance to buy their stock and will in turn help the company in building up their customer service a notch or two too.
CST announces employee stock plans
Beginning January the 1st, the employees of the chain are going to have a great option under their sleeves. They will be able to part with a small portion of their salaries to be able to get shares of some of the stock in discounted prices. These employee stock plans are only applicable to those of the employees that have stayed with the company for a period of 6 months or more.
This cycle will continue every 6 months and the employees will have a choice to buy some stocks after this time period. The discounted price will amount to around 85 percent of the actual prices and they can make the purchases on either the 1st or the ending day of the six month enrolment tenure; they can make the choice which suits them best.
The CEO Kim Lubel has stressed on the fact that he was always in the mood to make stock offerings to his employees and since CST made the spin-off from Valero 2 years ago, he had this in the back of his mind. He believes that this is going to allow the employees to find more job satisfaction and eventually the customers will benefit from this venture too when they will be treated with better services.