Not affiliated with The United States Office of Personnel Management or any government agency

Not affiliated with The United States Office of Personnel Management or any government agency


Just when I thought we had it all worked out and knew the reasoning behind Phased benefits a Federal worker added a new twist to the subject.  Having informal forums to tap into the pulse of the people that really matter is priceless.  Although I have been at the level of executive leadership for more years than I care to reveal, I have always known that the real knowledge of Human Resources and Human Capital Management rested with the rank-and-file.  Individuals who work inside of organizations below the level of executive management are much smarter than those few in the Executive Suite.

Executives are great characters for show and tell and all things dismissed from the huge realm of reality, how it actually is.  We deal with statistics, trends, bottom lines and the politics of correctness so that we will be invited back to the country club to nibble on watercress sandwiches and throw back a few glasses of sparkling water.  It is  the folks back at the water cooler and the company lunch rooms really are in touch with the pulse of the organization.  Have you ever noticed that in the end when a company’s face is about to have a public appearance without makeup that is the CEO of the organization who suddenly announces he is going to step-down to spend more time with his family.  It is never a member of the rank-and-file who has decided the family needs a little more ME time.  It comes down to those who are best at show and tell.

Well along that vein, here were a group of learnt executives speaking with great erudition about why Phased Retirement.  Simply put, its implementation had everything to do with protecting and preserving institutional knowledge by holding on to more seasoned workers a little while longer.  The merit of succession planning had been realized just prior to the Generals hanging up their boots.  Not so, said the true intellectuals, Phased Retirement has absolutely nothing to do with protecting institutional knowledge, but rather protecting and securing the jobs of a few good men in the Executive Suite who desire to hold on to their money and power a little longer.

In addition, the true intellects also said that the paradigm in terms of the demographics in the Executive Suite – policies, guidelines and ideas would never change because the same members invited to the country club now would be the same members invited back each time there is a soiree.  No executive I know would have delved into this line of thinking.  I don’t know whether it has merit or not, but it certainly makes you put on your thinking cap.

P. S.  Always Remember to Share What You Know.

Dianna Tafazoli

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