It’s Open Season time. Don’t let Open Season come in and slip away. It is not only Open Season for the Federal Government but for individuals seeking coverage in the market also. If you apply for health care coverage during Open Season, it is not nearly as difficult as it would be otherwise. In many instances, if you do not apply for health care coverage open season you will have to wait until the next open season.
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It would be very unfortunate that you find out a few weeks after Open Season has closed that you either needed coverage or needed to make adjustments. There are so many things happening around this time of the year that it is easy to let something important slip right through your fingers. The holidays are quickly approaching and for some little folks, a very special holiday is already here – HALLOWEEN. Parents are busy getting trick-or-treat provisions in place and soon after that, it is time for Thanksgiving and before the turkey can be put away, it’s Christmas.
Sing a few carols and it is a brand New Year. In between the busyness of the holiday is also the end of the semester for college and university students. They are scrambling to finish up final papers and prepare for final exams while ringing up their parents to get them home for the holiday. It is a very busy time and it makes my head spin just writing about it. Just don’t forget about Open Season. The holidays won’t be so holly and jolly if you do. Take care of your health and your health will take care of you.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
Dianna Tafazoli