Pay raises need to be given to all federal employees and not just the ones that are already taking most of the money out of the GDP. No human life is collateral and this is what the government needs to take into consideration when it assigns the pay rises to federal employees. The President’s plan to improve the salaries of all the executive position holders of the federal government has failed to encompass the huge pay gap that exists in the departments pertaining to rank-and-file federal officers. The economist of the Obama administration has concluded that currently the private sector officers are making 35 percent more money than the federal officers.
Give pay raises to all Federal Government employees regardless of designation:
This huge pay gap has only increased pertaining to the frozen wages of the past 3 years and the sustained increases seen in the past 2 years. Some employees of the federal government don’t even manage to earn a minimum wage that was ordered by the president. This is really shameful when you consider the other private and local governments to be making excellent amends for their employees and helping them in getting a substantial compensation for their services.
The advisors of the president have repeatedly made recommendations in this regard and have urged him to allow all of the federal employees to get some rises. This entails that all the employees (and not just the executives) get a fair share of pay raise whenever it boils down to that because their sacrifices and their sweat drops are as important to the solidarity of this nation as any other employee. Here’s hoping that this gets altered in the recent future because a nation can’t be fully prosperous if a large demographic is suffering from below-par salaries and wages.