Not affiliated with The United States Office of Personnel Management or any government agency

Not affiliated with The United States Office of Personnel Management or any government agency



DIVERSITYIn the American workforce it is par-for-the-course to come up with new words. Some words hang around and some get lost after a few months or so. I recall when the word DIVERSTY first took center stage there were very eloquent statements written about the word.  The most memorable statement I recall – “Diversity is not only a business objective but a business imperative.”  I think the statement is still eloquent but I am not sure how powerful or impactful the statement was or is.

Just what is diversity?  Webster defines diversity

as “The fact or quality of being diverse: Difference.   So are we looking for difference in the workplace and if we are what kind of difference are we looking for?  Is it in our thinking, our approach to doing the job, the color of our skin, the color of our hair, the color of our eyes or the neighborhood we live in or the food we eat?  If we could get a handle on what kind of difference we are looking for then perhaps we could start to do something about it.

The truth of the matter is diversity is more than the Webster definition.  In the world of human resources and the American workforce the word DIVERSITY is multilayered, multidimensional and multidefinitional, if you will.  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has all Federal agencies respond annually to the directives of the Management Directive 715 commonly known as the MD-715 which in essence directs agencies in eliminating or mitigating barriers to equal opportunity and equal access to hiring, promotional opportunities and all other activities related to employment equity.

The question of diversity or the lack thereof in many Federal agencies is a looming one and the question mark is quite pronounced when it comes to why positions are not filled by minorities, including women, at the higher compensation and responsibility levels of the Federal workforce.  The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is reported to have some rather serious diversity challenges.  Remember the statement was made earlier in the article that diversity was often spoken of in a very eloquent manner with very moving prose.  Every agency states that it is committed to diversity. You could not write something contrary to that statement, but you could act contrary to the statement by not promoting diversity via hiring and recruit outreach efforts to minority servicing organizations including colleges and universities.

The CIA does not understand why they are challenged by diversity issues but do acknowledge according to a study, The Diversity in Leadership  issued in June of 2015, that gave a very scathing review of the agency ranging from outright prejudice to withholding opportunities that would advance certain minorities.  The CIA Director, John Brennan states that he is determined to cast a new light on the agency’s image by making changes.  Again, could a statement to the contrary be made.  Of course, not.

The focus of this article is not on the CIA, but on DIVERSITY a word that seems to having staying power, but we have yet to demonstrate in the American workforce the true merit of diversity and why it really is a business imperative whether we like it or not.  The world we live in today will force diversity on the work world whether we move with the force or not.  The CIA Diversity in Leadership study is no more than a call to serious and lasting action by every Federal agency, the Federal Government, the largest employer in the country.

Lincoln said it best. ” We cannot escape history. We will be remembered in spite of ourselves.  No personal significance, or insignificance can spare one or another of us.  The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation.”

P. S.  Always Remember to Share What You Know.

Dianna Tafazoli

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