The Federal Government is playing the numbers game in trimming the number of workers on the Federal rolls. Natural attrition via retirement is not achieving the numbers the Federal government is pushing for. Although, retirement seemed to have slowed the number of applications in need of quick processing turn-around remains high.
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Most work can be performed virtually. There are exceptions, notably Air Traffic Controllers, for now. As technology advances even those tasks may be performed remotely to a central location.  The most important reason as to why employees get in cars, get on buses and trains and planes to reach their work locations is simply because that is the way it was always done. Although I think more and more organizations should use 100 percent telework where feasible, telework will also take away the incentive to do a job well for many workers.
Getting on the bus, into the car, on trains and planes is a method of emotional and psychological survival for many. It is the socialization in the workplace that is the driving force to how well they perform the tasks assigned to them. Teleworking for them would be synonymous to retiring without being emotionally ready. Telework will not help with the numbers game, but it will help to get some of the traffic off the roads and cut down on office space needed to house employees who could do the same work from home.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
Dianna Tafazoli