Texas Vs. The Federal Government Over Syrian Refugees
The people of Texas have had polar views about the Syrian refugees but the majority (and the authority) have raised concerns about the placement of Syrian refugees in the state. This had initially led to many protests and now there is a case going on in federal court that is contested between the federal government and the state of Texas.
A suit was filed last week in which the state raised its concerns against the placement of refugees in the state. The officials have contested that they weren’t substantially referred to before the placement of refugees and that the whole process should get blocked before more people make their way in to the state.
Federal government VS. Texas; it’s on!
The federal government responded to these claims within a few days by saying that they had made the state aware as per the requirements and this request by the Texas officials is only going to add to the sufferings of families that have got nowhere to go.
After the government gave its reply, the Texas AG Ken Paxton declared that the state will be taking back its request. He further said that this was pertaining to the promise the FG made about providing the state with more information about the refugees. He mentioned that this doesn’t in any way mean that the law suit has been taken back as well; it will only pave the way for the refugees to make their way in to the state.
This has been an on-going matter since last month and however it may seem that things might cool down a bit now, but the battle that the federal government is going to face against Texas is still on and lawsuit still stands. Here’s hoping that whatever transpires, turns out to be well for all the 3 parties.