Not affiliated with The United States Office of Personnel Management or any government agency

Not affiliated with The United States Office of Personnel Management or any government agency

Tips to Getting Your House in Order to Retire Well – Interim Payments

Interim PaymentsInterim Payments

The term Interim Payments is a term Federal and Postal employees should become thoroughly familiar with.  Although the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) works diligently to get annuity checks to retirees in a timely manner, good planning dictates that we should be prepared for the unexpected or the glitches that often occur during the normal course of conducting business

Interim Payments represent approximately 75 to 80 percent of what you will receive in your full annuity check. Don’t despair, all deficits will be recovered when you begin to receive your full annuity check. 

It is important when you are submitting your Retirement Application papers for both CSRS and FERS retirement and for all Federal and Postal Benefits and that you are certain to check and recheck your retirement application to make sure you have crossed all your T’s and dotted all of your I’s.  Overlooking pertinent information will cause a delay in the processing of your application.  I always recommend that potential retirees do a –dry run- or test drive of the application package to become familiar with its contents and requirements before submitting the actual package.  You may even want to solicit the help of a financial professional to ensure that you have the ability to maximize your Federal and Postal retirement benefits.  Potential retirees need to know what their responsibilities are towards enhancing a seamless process to retirement. Retirement packages are on-line and information about your TSP can be found at PSRetirement’s TSP portal which will give you valuable information as you begin getting our house in order to retire well.

P. S.  Always Remember to Share What You Know.

For more information visit and to access your retirement accounts visit;


For information on how to log into your account

More information on Interim Payments

Complete CSRS information for Federal and Postal Employees

Explanation of Federal Employee Retirement System Benefits (FERS)

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