[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″ el_class=”section section1″][vc_column_text]In August, the Dow Jones Industrials (DJIA) went up by 2.2% and the S&P 500 went up by 3%. The C Fund is based on the S&P 500 Index.
Biggest TSP Returns for August
The S Fund was at the top of the list of the TSP funds for August. It had a return of 4.57% The S Fund is also leading all finds for the year-to-date return coming in at 12.84% as well as the best twelve-month return at 23.34%.
Coming in second is the C Fund with a year-to-date return of 9.91% and a 12-month return of 19.63%. In August, the C Fund went up 3.26 percent. This fund is the second most widely held fund in TSP.
Of all the TSP funds, the G Fund has the most assets.
The Safety of the G Fund Does Not Come Free
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Lowest of the TSP return rates in 2018 is the F Fund with a negative return of -0.86 percent.
The G Fund has over the long term, consistently underperformed the TSP stock funds.
TSP Fund Returns for August 2018, Year-to-Date and Last 12 Months
Let us have a look at the latest performance data for all of the TSP funds:
G Fund   0.26%   1.88%   2.66%
F Fund   0.67%   -0.86%   -0.90%
C Fund   3.26%   9.91%   19.63%
S Fund   4.57%   12.84%   23.34%
I Fund   -1.91%   -1.95%   4.79%
L Income   0.61%   2.74%   4.99%
L 2020Â Â Â 0.80%Â Â Â 3.30%Â Â Â 6.87%
L 2030Â Â Â 1.28%Â Â Â 4.71%Â Â Â 10.30%
L 2040Â Â Â 1.47%Â Â Â 5.26%Â Â Â 11.77%
L 2050Â Â Â 1.65%Â Â Â 5.77%Â Â Â 13.14%
Average Balance for TSP Participants
Federal workers in the CSRS (Civil Service Retirement System) have the highest average balance in the TSP. Here is a table showing how TSP investors fare based on their retirement system as of July this year.
FERSÂ Â Â CSRSÂ Â Â Uniformed Service
Total Participants   3,332,206   323,032   1,402,304
Average Balance   $143,048   $148,247   $25, 021
No of Roth Participants   501,374   9,937   544,991
Average Roth Balance    $12,778   $19,679   $7,730
According to the above data, the number of post-separation withdrawals has steadily increased. The Thrift Saving Plan reports that the totals expected for 2018 are about 12% higher than those in 2017. This goes hand in hand with a retirement report from OPM indicating an increase in the number of TSP participants reaching retirement age.
TSP Transfers in July
Investors in the TSP moved more than $1 billion into the G Fund in July. The S Fund and the Lifecycle Funds both had an uptick in transfers in July; $94,000,000 and $104,000,000 respectively.
Investors transferred $601,000,000 from the C Fund, $567,000,000 from the I Fund, and $79,000,000 from the F Fund.
At the end of July, there was about $568 billion in the TSP plan.
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