USPS Job Bidding
The whole bidding process of USPS job bidding on LiteBlue is fully automated. For you to be able to access and submit a bid on a posted assignment, you require your employee ID and PIN. Applications must be sent before the specified deadline.
The Human Resources office has a review and evaluation committee. This committee is responsible for conducting interviews and any other form of applicant assessment. Selection of the most qualified employee for placement is based on factors such as:
- The applicant’s eligibility to bid.
- The bidder’s qualifications in relation to the standard requirements set.
- The successful completion of training for the position if required.
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Liteblue Portal Services
This portal was formed to foster faster communication and easier data flow for all its employees. Before its creation, management of postal services was chaotic. This system handles and manages all employees’ details while providing a secure login.
LiteBlue helps postal employees to monitor their assignments, work progress, career path and payroll services easily. Employees can access their work profile and get updates about their job roles in their respective accounts. It also allows easy USPS job bidding to change your work location.
It has also been made possible for employees to communicate with their colleagues or supervisors in a formal and orderly manner. This communication follows the appropriate hierarchical levels.
The LiteBlue application can be installed in phones to access the services.
Other portals that work in sync with LiteBlue include eRetireportal, EPayrollapp and PortalEASE
The Post Office: A General Overview
The United States Postal Service is also referred to as the U.S. Mail or the Post Office. The USPS is an independent agency of the federal government that provides postal services. Being independent means that the USPS builds its own revenue and funds itself.
By volume, staff, and revenue generated, the United States Postal Service is the most significant global mail service. It delivers 47% of the total world’s mail.
The USPS operates 31,585 post offices and serves up to 142 million delivery locations. Deliveries made on a daily basis total of 660 million pieces of mail which adds up to 153.4 billion pieces annually.
Deliveries are not made on Sundays, on Christmas and Thanksgiving, or on other observed federal holidays.
Together with the United States’ Department of Defense, they jointly operate a system that delivers mail to the uniformed service. This system has two branches, one that delivers for the Army and Air Force, called the Army Post Office. The second one is the Fleet Post Office which serves the Navy, the Coast Guard, and the Marine Corps.
The United States Postal Service is the second largest civil employer in the United States with around 574,000 employees.
USPS employees’ rights are represented by a couple of labor unions which are:-
- APWU – The American Postal Workers Union
- NALC – The National Association of Letter Carriers
- NRLCA – The National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association
- NPMHU – The National Postal Mail Handlers Union