Are All Nursing Homes The Same
Are Nursing Homes All the Same? There are nursing homes that are certified by Medicaid or Medicaid certified nursing facilities. These facilities generally are of three types: long-term care, skilled nursing and rehabilitation services. Rehabilitation services provide care for persons who suffer an illness, injury or disability when it is determined that rehabilitation can help […]
Nursing Homes and Your Assets
If you’ve been working with a good financial professional then it is likely that you’ve covered this contingency.
FEHB Is Catching Up – Self Plus One
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced that beginning in 2016 federal employees and retirees will have the option of self-plus one coverage through the FEHB.
Social Security Full Retirement Age
Full retirement age is based on the year in which you were born.
Elder Care Locator
Services differ in every state. But you can typically find some good information by searching the internet for Area Agencies on Aging, Department for the Aging, or simply Senior Living Services, … and then your City or State.
Elder Care: The Caregiver
Being a caregiver is a huge responsibility. It is a mammoth task with profound commitment and there is also the reward of doing something loving and compassionate for a family member or individual who needs the care.
Assisted Living vs Living At Home
Assisted living facilities are residential structures that generally include a housekeeping service, meals, a kitchen, personal assistance help, and transportation to the doctor and other activities that may be outside of the facility.
Assisted Living: Questions to Ask
Determining where an elderly family member will live out their lives will probably be a very new experience for most of us.
Elder Care: Choosing Assisted Living
When we have conversations about how to best plan for retirement without placing undue burdens on our families as we age, the question of where I will spend my last days always Choosing Assisted Living comes up
Long-Term Care Awareness
Long-term Care Insurance (LTC) can be an incredibly valuable tool in planning for retirement. However, the literature shows that most Americans are not as informed about LTC as we should be.