The SEC Gives Financial Advisors A Pass
I suppose the SEC did not notice the presence of those vehicles before. Long before the SEC made its ruling, investors had the ability to post and review comments from advisors on websites that had been around for a very long time.
Phased Retirement Implementation
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is pushing hard to implement the new Phased Retirement program.
What Happened – Young People Don’t Want The Feds
The Federal Government would be wise to invest in an Innovation Summit targeting recent college and university graduates, young people under age 50 not employed by the Federal Service to explore why this population is running away from being a part of the public sector.
Can I Be Totally Cut Out of My Spouse’s Annuity?
a former spouse is no longer eligible to receive the survivor annuity because she passes away or before age 55 remarries, then you would be eligible to received the entire survivor annuity.
The Senate Salutes Federal Employees
Federal employees may receive a 3.3 percent pay raise in 2015. The proposed pay raise is welcomed news for Federal employees.
What Is A TransFERS
There was a FERS open season held back in 1987-88 and 1998, allowing employees with at least five years of Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) service to voluntarily transfer to FERS during one of the two open seasons.