A US Senator has stated that veterans, especially the ones who have been disabled, must be given better job opportunities. She insisted that OPM takes some steps in ensuring that the veterans are given suitable job opportunities via a dedicated office that understands their special qualifications and skills.
The Request Made to OPM
Senator Heidi Heitkamp was the one to ask OPM to help veterans get job opportunities that are ideal for them. She expressed her opinion while participating in a discussion that was hosted by a Governmental Affairs Committee and Homeland Security. She believes that the agency must create a special office that is dedicated to the veterans only.
Ideal Jobs for Disabled Veterans
The Senator also highlighted the need for better navigation to help the disabled veterans. She said this while participating in a discussion about USAJobs.gov. She stated that the disabled veterans need someone who can help them out. Their applications and skills set must be analyzed by someone from OPM so that the veterans can get the jobs they are best suited for rather than the ones in which their qualifications are assumed.
She also stressed that the disabled veterans should be given a job in which they can be enriched as opposed to given a job just for the sake of it.
Other Initiatives
It must be noted that efforts are being made to help veterans. A few months back, the Veteran Affairs Department launched a website dedicated to aid the veterans. The website is named as Vets.gov and it aims to help its users attain a single sign-on access that allows them to avail thousands of online veteran services.
The website allows the veterans to get career and employment opportunities, education benefits and disability benefits too. The website is still a work in progress and aims to be fully functional later this year.
Senator’s Support on Other Issues
Apart from offering advice to OPM regarding the veterans, Senator Heidi Heitkamp has also been vocal on ensuring equal pay for equal work. She was recently quoted saying that in North Dakota, women earn just 71 cents when compared to a dollar earned by men. She called for pay equality so that women also get a dollar against a dollar earned by men.