TSP Beneficiaries
You are required to complete the TSP 17 form so that the TSP can determine potential beneficiaries.  The TSP 17 has several parts and must be completed with care. Always check with the TSP to make certain that all forms you are requested to complete have been updated and are current. When new TSP forms are rolled out all previous editions of the form become obsolete and cannot be used. So make sure you are completing the right form.
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TSP – 17
The information relating to TSP 17 Form (also referred to as the Deceased Participant Form) has a number of sections that require your careful attention. Section 1 is information about the deceased participant. Section 2 is information about the person submitting the form. Section 3 is information about potential beneficiaries. This is the part that can be very challenging. You may not have all of the information and you may not know the information. When you don’t know the information simply check the – Don’t Know- box and follow the instructions. Section 4 of the TSP 17 form asks about detailed information about potential beneficiaries. Remember, provide as much information on the TSP 17 form as you can and if you don’t know write on the line -Don’t Know. Section 5 asks that you provide referral information so that they can contact someone else who might be able to provide the information you don’t know. This section needs you to provide any information possible even if a telephone number or address is not known. Section 6 of the TSP 17 form is the additional information area where you provide any additional information you think might help with the distribution of the deceased participant’s account. Section 7 is the certification area where you affix your signature to affirm the information given.
Don’t forget to attach a copy of the deceased participant’s death certificate. The more thorough and accurate you are, the quicker the agency can execute the process.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
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