Federal Agencies To Not Testify About OPM Hack
The government’s personnel agency’s officers have out of the blue rejected that they possess any information about the recent OPM hack and have refused to become a part of the meeting to be held by members of the Congress behind closed doors. To make unaware people aware, this briefing was called because of a huge security breach that took place in the recent past and ended up causing data damage to over 20 million federal employees.
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Why Won’t these agencies meet about the OPM Hack?
The main homeland security department along with OPM and all its constituents have declined the request to sit in the meeting and this has caused many fires to gain strength. The reason behind this immediate refusal to sit down is that it’s expected that all the conversations that are to be made will be written down and can possibly be held against the people in debate.
Apart from this, the members from the defense department and all the officers from the intelligence community of the US made their testimonies as expected and the director of the meeting Mr. Thornberry further said that this sudden decline of the request was something that he didn’t expect one bit.
OPM has been compromised via cyber-attacks twice already in the recent past and it has led many critics and do-gooders to criticize and analyze every action that it takes. These attacks were said to have been made by Chinese hackers.
Where it’s still unclear whether the members of the OPM and the other two committees will end u giving testimonies soon or not, it’s definitely clear that OPM does need a bit of strengthening in its online affairs.