Patrick Murphy has been a strong candidate for the Senate ever since he made the announcement and recently he has won himself love from yet another major group of federal employees. AFGE or the American Federation of Government Employees, which is the biggest federal employee union that represents over 670 thousand employees said this past week, that they are backing the Congressman while announcing their endorsement.
David Cox, who is the president of AFGE said, “AFGE is proud to offer our support to Congressman Patrick Murphy for the U.S. Senate. We know that we will be able to count on him when it comes to supporting the rights of federal workers at the workplace as well as ending the policies of pay freezes and pay cuts for these hard working men and women.”
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Murphy has been on the receiving end of many endorsements before as well; he recently scooped away the whole AFSCME, Carpenters, Ironworkers and the Florida Teamsters. Not to mention the fact that Obama and the VP Joe Biden also made appearances during his campaign.
While there is still a long way to go till the elections, this major win will help Murphy a lot and he was absolutely thrilled when he heard the news. We will say that he is a talented candidate and the endorsement was very well deserved to say the least.