Use the spending log example to see how you are spending your money. You just might be surprised. As you begin to prepare for Federal retirement, it is important to make certain you are eliminating as much waste as possible. Your spending log might show you where you can cut back and perhaps add a bit more to savings.
- Also Read: New TSP Withdrawal Rules and What They Mean for Your Federal Retirement Plans
- Also Read: TSP Investment Moves That Could Help Federal Employees Retire on Their Own Terms
- Also Read: Early Retirement Myths Federal Employees Need to Stop Believing
Personal Spending Log
Weekly |
Income + $ (A) |
Spending – $ (B) |
Sunday | ||
Monday | ||
Tuesday | ||
Wednesday | ||
Thursday | ||
Friday | ||
Saturday |
A minus BÂ gives you a guestimation of how you are spending your money on a weekly basis. Part of your retirement readiness checklist requires you to look at how much money you spend daily and if you can redirect some of the spending to create greater money management efficiency.
Try logging your income and purchases on a daily basis for a month. Analyze the results and decide what you can do differently with your spending.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Withdrawal Options
For Postal Employees – LiteBlue and the TSP
Federal and Postal Employees – Choosing a Financial Professional
Is All ‘Your’Â TSPÂ Money Actually Yours?