How to Request Duplicate W-2 Forms Through LiteBlue and from the USPS Employee Division.
Postal Employees have a few different options when attempting to obtain a duplicate W-2 form. LiteBlue online, over the phone (through PostalEASE) or through the mail, is entirely up to you.
The LiteBlue option will almost certainly be fastest.
Instructions for Postal Employees to Request their W-2
1) Go to LiteBlue (
Enter your USPS Employee ID Number and PIN.
If you forgot your PIN you can reset your PIN through the site as well.
Click on the “W-2 Re-print” option in order to view or print any of your W-2s from the past 15 years.
2) You can also request an official copy of your W-2 be mailed to you.
The USPS Accounting Help Desk can be reached at 866-974-2733.
Prompts will lead you through the necessary selections.
You will need;
Your Social Security Number,
Current address,
Name of the office you worked in and the year of the form you are requesting (2010 for instance).
3) Write to the Financial Reporting Section if you are unsuccessful requesting your form online or by phone.
Address your request to:
Financial Reporting Section (W-2s)
Eagan Accounting Services
2825 Lone Oak Parkway
Eagan, MN 55121-9617
Your name,
Social Security Number,
Current mailing address,
The name of the office where you are or were employed in and
The year requested for the form.
Make sure you sign the request.
Other LiteBlue Related Pages
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<p”>You can use LiteBlue and PostalEase to manage your Allotments