LiteBlue / PostalEASE
If you are a Postal Employee will need your Employee ID Number and your USPS Personal Identification Number (PIN) to Access PostalEASE (the telephone version of LiteBlue)
You can call PostalEASE at 1-877-4PS-EASE (1-877-477-3273)
PostalEase is the U.S. Postal Service’s telephone enrollment system for Thrift Savings Plan ( transactions, Direct Deposit (allotments), FEHB information and more.
Before calling PostalEASE make sure you have;
- (a) Your Social Security Number (SSN),
- (b) Your USPS Employee ID Number,
- (c) Your Personal Identification Number (PIN). If you don’t know your PIN, call PostalEASE and follow the prompts to request that your PIN be mailed to your address of record. (This takes 10 days or less.)
With PostalEASE you can;
- Begin your contributions*,
- Change your current TSP funds (percentage or dollar amount)*, or
- Cancel (stop) your current TSP contributions.
*Please NOTE: (a) and (b) can only be performed during TSP open seasons. If you would like to use PostalEASE for your allotment selection / net to bank money movements, please have the following additional information ready: (a) Your 9 digit Financial Institution Routing Number (obtain from your financial institution), (b) Your Account Number and type of account (checking, savings, etc.) After you complete each transaction you will hear your confirmation number. *Please keep this for your records. You will also hear when your choices will be processed and which pay period your changes will take effect. For information on how to use LiteBlue click HERE
Other LiteBlue Related Pages
- What Is LiteBlue?
- PostalEase / LiteBlue
- What Postal Employees Should Do On LiteBlue Before Retirement
- Changing Your LiteBlue / PostalEase Password Through
- eRetire for Postal Employees – Retirement Applications on LiteBlue
- Use LiteBlue to Manage your FEHB(You can use LiteBlue and PostalEase to manage your Allotments)
- Requesting Duplicate Postal Employee W-2 Forms Using LiteBlue

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