We have talked about planning with a particular emphasis on federal retirement financial planning. There is another aspect of planning that is very important in keeping the engines running and making sure all the pistons are firing properly. It is called Social Planning. Many retirees see their jobs as part of their socialization calendar. They are familiar with their coworkers, they see them everyday and they eat lunch and breakfast and visit the snack bar together. That is part of building a good and cohesive team. That is also a part of the work life.
Let’s think about how to parlay those job-related social skills into building a social calendar for retirement. It is time to meet new friends and build new relationships. It is a time to try new things as your federal retirement represents the freedom phase of our lives. It represents a time where what we do and how we do it is more in our court than anybody else’s.
When we are children we need our parents’ permission to do many of the things that guide our lives. When we become parents we are often limited by the schedule of our children and a growing family. When we retire, parental permission has long been a thing of the past and the children’s lives are theirs to settle their own schedules. It feels like freedom to me. Freedom to go and come as you please. Freedom to explore the world via traveling or the safety of your local library.
Stay on top of your health so no grass will grow under your feet. Check out a dance studio and learn a new dance you previously thought was a challenge. Join a book club or start a book club to keep your brain sharp. To cast away the lonely blues, join a reliable travel group to have some safe fun.
There is a lot of great activities that are cost-sensitive to put on your calendar of social events. Enjoy the freedom with your federal retirement that you’ve worked so hard to earn. It’s your ticket to RETIRE WELL.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
How does your TSP contribute to your ability to enjoy your social planning?