You must have heard about the federal officers who don’t do their jobs but still take home a large sum of taxpayer money- up to 1.5 million dollars a year each? Yes, we are talking about more than 50 senators who refuse to live up to their employment contracts and routinely hold hearings to get a new Supreme Court justice. The startling figure of 174 thousand dollars a year will be put in to their bank accounts every year along with the other expenses amounting to around 1.3 million dollars year each despite their under-performance. Yes, you and I can’t do much to change that.
Federal workers not doing their job:
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The constitution also dictates that the president should stay in office for the complete four years term which finishes on the 20th of January 2017. If Obama’s term has concluded (as some Senators believe) then if you put some logic in place, their terms have ended too. We are not trying hard and it’s not hard to detect the hypocrisy in this situation, now is there? Let’s hope that these issues get resolved as soon as possible.