Many individuals shy away from talking about financial planning because they think it is too far above their heads. Not so. Families are engaged in financial planning daily. Mothers and Fathers determine what they can spend on groceries, housing, education, transportation, health care and a number of other aspects important to running our lives. The fear sets in when we are asked to formalize our plans. Here are some hints to help you get started.
- Inquiring about what we want and need to know requires an examination of what you already know about financial planning and money management. We each have our own frame of reference about money, spending, saving and just a general attitude about money. We learn about money and spending habits from a number of places and people in our lives. Should we spend a lot of time thinking about money and planning, will it simply take care of itself, is it a skill that we need?
- Gathering and assembling the information we need is where we utilize our investigative and discovery skills. We are able to mesh newly discovered information with information we already know; and build upon our skills to become more educated and informed about managing money into retirement; and ensuring that it lasts as long as we last.
- Processing the Information takes us from theory to reality via integrating and making sense of the two previous concepts by either utilizing or implementing the information.
- Studying and Determining the Right Fit is part of the individual customization of the learning concept. How you plan and manage for your retirement future is not a cookie-cutter phenomenon, but a challenge and an opportunity unique to your own circumstances, needs, values and choices. We will move reciprocally a number of times between all of the steps before moving on to “Applying what we have learned.”
- Applying what we have learned is making it happen, making it real and making it work to shape your best possible Financial and Individual Action Plan for Retirement that provides milestones that are flexible, stable, consistent and doable over the long-term.
You see you have already been involved in financial planning and managing your money. The question is have you planned and managed your resources well enough to live your vision in retirement. Being challenged by questions right before your eyes can be a great motivator to call your attention to things you need to do to secure your retirement future.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
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