LiteBlue and PostalEase
PostalEase and LiteBlue help the Postal Service provide service and structure to all the post offices throughout the nation. As I speak to a number of individuals they describe the Postal Service as just their local post office. It is much more than that. It is a the third largest civilian employer in the world with services to the military in conjunction with the Department of Defense commonly called the Army Post Office.
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PostalEase is a telephone enrollment system implemented by the Postal Service to make Direct Deposit, FEHB decisions, Thrift Savings Plan elections and much more. The Postal employee only needs to call a toll-free number with their Employee ID Number (EIN) and their USPS Personal identification Number (PIN) to gain access to the system or login to
Postal employees can make Open Season decisions, elect contribution amounts to their account and change their Thrift Savings Plan contribution amounts.  Postal employees can also cancel or stop their Thrift Savings Plan contributions. If you use the PostalEase phone service to transact business with allotments/net to bank you must have in addition to your PIN and EIN, your Account Number, the type of account and the 9 digit Routing Number to you banking institution.
If you don’t have a PIN you can also make the request via phone. The PIN will be mailed to your mailing address of record within 10 days. After completing any transactions via LiteBlue-PostalEase, you will receive a confirmation number that should be maintained for your records.
P.S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
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