It is important that we gather as much information as possible to ensure the best use of our resources in retirement and maximizing your Social Security benefits (SSB) is an absolute must if you want to get the most out of your working years.  Consider the facts below as part of your plan to retire well:
• Income from pensions, annuities and investments are not impacted by the earnings test. Earnings only apply to wages from a job or net earnings from self-employment.
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• No estimate can be given if you have not earned enough credits to qualify for Social Security benefits.
• The closer you get to retirement, the more accurate your SSB estimations will be because there are fewer fluctuations in earnings and changes in the law.
• Currently you earn one credit for every $1200 you earn in wages or self- employment income. Earnings of $4800 will give you the 4 credits needed for one year.
• Actual Social Security Benefits calculations cannot be provided until you apply for benefits.
• Earnings may increase or decrease in the future.
• Once you begin receiving your SSB they will be adjusted for cost-of-living increases.
• Estimated benefits are based on current law (Laws are subject to change).
• Social Security Benefits may also be impacted by military service or pensions earned via work where you did not pay Social Security taxes.
For Federal and Postal employees the challenges of understanding Social Security stems from the fact that your employment benefits are already incredibly complex to fully understand.  When you ad in Social Security you now also have to recognitize that if you focus solely on claiming at 62, 66 or 70 (the basic dates most people mistakenly select) you will miss out on a HUGE potential opportunity.  Educating yourself on the different Social Security claiming strategies is a must.  Recognition that if you are eligible for Social Security Benefits, in many instances if you delay claiming Social Security, your benefits will grow at 8% per year.  That is an 8% guaranteed return from the U.S. Government – not too bad, especially when CDs pay 3% or less.  All of this leads us to a simple reasoning, we highly recommend that you talk with a financial professional who is an expert in your FERS, CSRS & FEGLI benefits as well as one who has a great deal of expertise in Social Security claiming strategies.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
Read more about your Social Security benefits
Having a well defined Retirement Plan is more important now than ever before