Thinking Forward with Retirement Planning

Federal and Postal employees have extensive benefits that they have to navigate during their work career and heading into retirement and therefore their retirement plan. There are a number of benefits that are applicable to employees and their families. Many of those benefits may seem complex to the employee and the family members. It is recommended that employees visit their benefits often and discuss them with their family members in order to gain a better understanding.
It happens too often that employees who have very sound benefits fail to discuss those benefits with family members and what action to take in the event that the employee passes away or becomes impaired to the point of not being able to negotiate for him or herself.  Postal employees, for instance, are learning to navigate the LiteBlue page and enjoying all the benefits of LiteBlue and what it has to offer, when it is possible and when necessary, family members should be able to take the tour with the employee.
The benefits offered to an employee during their work career also benefit family members. By the same token, during retirement, family members also need to be aware of the benefits and how they work in retirement in order to be able to take care of important business when the time calls for it.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.