Thrift Savings Plan
We just talked about painting the perfect picture for your retirement future. If we want to enjoy ourselves in retirement, we need to be fit and healthy. That means we need to take care of ourselves wih the Thrift Savings Program before we retire so that we can enjoy retirement to the fullest.
We need to make certain we are eating healthy, getting plenty of rest and making time for exercising. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on gyms. Walking is one of the best ways to keep healthy. It is warm now and there is nothing like a few good laps around the pool.
- Also Read: 3 Reasons Certain Federal Employees Can Retire Years Earlier Than Their Peers Without Penalties
- Also Read: CSRS Retirement in 2024: Are You Making the Most of What This Classic Plan Has to Offer?
- Also Read: Roth IRA Basics for Beginners: What’s There to Learn?
If we don’t take care of our bodies, minds and souls we will not have the opportunity to enjoy the moments we have worked so hard to reach. Always think about new adventures and meeting new people and learning new things to keep your mind healthy, active and sharp. You might miss a lot of things about work when you retire, most of all the social interactions with coworkers. Start solidifying relationships outside of work now so that you don’t fall into a lonely place where you feel lost and without an anchor.
Retirement can be the beginning of something wonderful. Make sure you take advantage of the Thrift Savigns Plan. Be healthy and happy as you look forward to the next new adventure in your life – RETIREMENT on your own terms.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Withdrawal Options
For Postal Employees – LiteBlue and the TSP
Federal and Postal Employees – Choosing a Financial Professional
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