PostalEASE, the telephone enrollment system for Postal employees, provides convenient and secure access for you to make your allotment or “net to bank” (Direct Deposit) selections.
- Start the transfer of a portion of your earnings to a financial institution of your choice – referred to as an “Allotment”,
- Start the transfer of all your net earnings (after taxes and other deductions) to the financial institution of your choice – referred to as “Net To Bank”
- Change the financial institution where you send your Allotment, or Net to Bank money.
- Cancel the Allotment, or Net to a Bank selections.
Use your LiteBlue
 login to make Payroll Deductions using the internet.
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Changing Your LiteBlue / PostalEase Password Through
eRetire for Postal Employees – Retirement Applications on LiteBlue
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Postal LiteBlue and Open Season
Requesting Duplicate Postal Employee W-2 Forms Using LiteBlue