Weekly Newsletter: USPS and LiteBlue
Weekly Newsletter: Women’s History Month technically ended on March 31, 2014, but since the United States Postal Service has been the forerunner of placing women in the upper chambers of operations, we thought it noteworthy to dedicate our Newsletter Weekly to the United States Postal Service’s progressive and forward movement of honoring diversity and gender in the workplace.
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Women make up a significant portion of the Postal Service’s more than 626,000 employees representing jobs from mail carriers to law enforcement.   The U.S. Postal Service has played a monumental role in how we are able to communicate with each other from city-to-city, town-to-town, state-to-state and points beyond our borders. The Department of Defense partners with the U.S. Postal Service to deliver mail for the military both on land and sea called the Army Post Office and the Fleet Post Office respectively.
As the Postal Service has created ways for the world to communicate and stay connected, it has also created several systems for its workers to stay connected. The LiteBlue page is the Postal Service’s intranet communication and information system. LiteBlue and PostalEase allows Postal Workers to participate in Open Season, check their TSP.gov account balances online with added security, along with make changes to their Thrift Savings Plan contributions or even stop or cancel participation.
LiteBlue also allows workers to choose Flexible Spending Accounts, participate in leave sharing and leave exchange programs. Most significantly Postal Employees can review nearly every aspect of their benefits demographics to determine career growth and evaluate their retirement profile. LiteBlue is a convenient, fast and easy way for Postal Employees to stay connected so that they can make plans for their future and the future of their families.
Statistically, women outlive men by more than 5 to 10 years. As we dedicate this Newsletter Weekly to the United States Postal Service and salute the women who help to make sure the world stays in touch, we also remind them that planning for their retirement future, ensuring the safety and security of their families is just another one of the many contributions they make to advance the greatness of our nation. This concludes our weekly newsletter.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
Changing Your LiteBlue / PostalEase Password through ssp.USPS.Gov
Retirement Planning – Thinking Forward
Buying Back Leave – Postal Employees