LiteBlue: How To Use USPS LiteBlue

To use LiteBlue and view your information, visit the website ( You will find the site by clicking HERE or searching for on the internet. The site is maintained by the USPS as part of the United States Postal Service employee service extranet.
Basic Employee Death Benefit: Applying for BEDB
If you are a federal or postal employee part of your discussion for putting in place end of life provisions should include what your survivors need to know about applying for the death benefit.
Weekly Newsletter-NO BURIAL COVERAGE
~~Weekly Newsletter – DEATH WITHOUT BURIAL COVERAGE This weekly newsletter details a story of a death with no burial coverage. Everyday somewhere in the world, somewhere in the United States a child is born and someone passes away. There are costs involved in coming into the world and in going out. How we prepare for […]
BEDB – Other Details You Might Need To Know
Many persons receiving survivor or death benefits will make address changes, bank account changes and other changes after submitting the application. If you happen to change your bank account before you receive payment, keep the old account open until you are assured that the payment has been deposited into the new account.
Receiving Your BEDB and Survivor Annuity Payment
The annuity payment is automatically deposited to the card on the date you would otherwise receive your annuity payment and is immediately available for your use.
BEDB: Basic Employee Death Benefit
Federal employees’ spouses may be entitled to a Basic Employee Death Benefit (BEDB) upon the death of the employee if the following conditions are met:
Estate Planning Definitions
Educating ourselves on the varied aspects of retirement challenges and opportunities including planning for the business of the end of our lives is what we need to retire well and enjoy living in our next new adventure.
Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney
A Living Will is an advanced directive giving doctors and hospitals expressed instructions regarding how you want your health care treatment handled. In the event of incapacitation or an irreversible coma and you are unable to articulate your desires, a Durable Power of Attorney can act on your behalf, while you are still alive, ensuring your wishes are carried out.
Estate Plan: Living Trusts
Until about 20-30 years ago Living Trusts were thought of as planning tool strictly for the wealthy. Today that is no longer true as the Living Trust is becoming more popular with the because of the tax and privacy advantages offered.
Wills: Other Tips
As a Federal Employee, your benefits taken into retirement or otherwise are not bound by your Will.