TSP Retirement

What does your TSP retirement picture look like? Have you thought about it? Have you begun to search for just the right canvass and the perfect paints and etchings to make your retirement picture perfect?
Have you chosen the right brushes – those that are made just for trimming the edges and the brushes used for making broad and sweeping strokes? What about the smock you are going to wear – will it be like the artists you have seen in pictures on the French Rivera or the old Masters in Florence? Or perhaps, you will adorn yourself in a smock befitting of the bold yellow and black sunflowers painted by Georgia O’Keefe.
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Many potential retirees think about traveling to all the places they have never been. Those thoughts make a wonderful painting. You can go anywhere in the world and at any time without spending a dime. Travel through books, the National Geographic, and many other wonderful sources.
When you have finished traveling through books and the amazement of technology – perhaps you would have found that one place you must touch with your hands and feet and smell it and see it. Then go to it, because your TSP plans have been carefully evaluated and the trip fits into your budget without compromising your plans for a safe and secure retirement future.
Enjoy your painting – make it a masterpiece.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
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