Your Retirement Plan
Sticking to a retirement plan can be a challenge but it is well worth the investment. Many people are excellent at finding their way from point A to point B. They simply have a natural sense of direction. They can find their way no matter where they are in a new town, a new city, the country roads of West Virginia or some distant land. Unfortunately, most of us do not have the advantage of innate directional systems.
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It simply will not work to go through life depending on – comes what may.  Just as our mortgages don’t automatically end when we retire, our lives also don’t end when we leave our places of employment. Having a retirement plan allows us to make changes as needed to balance the equation between income and expenses.
A retirement plan will help us identify obstacles so that options can be exercised to help us turn away from old habits that get us in financial trouble. Look at your plan often and make sure there is flexibility in the plan. Although life is about constant change, including flexibility in plans, major efforts should be made to always have a plan. Now that you know the importance of having a plan, the greater challenge is sticking to the plan.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
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