Not affiliated with The United States Office of Personnel Management or any government agency

Not affiliated with The United States Office of Personnel Management or any government agency

LiteBlue and Other Tools For Planning

Organizations tend to concentrate on retirement during this period because the likelihood of things changing significantly in the work profile of these employees is fairly remote. Generally, in calculating an annuity estimate, the high-three average salary is key. Therefore, if you are about to retire in 3 – 5 years, your salary may not change significantly.

LiteBlue and Counseling

In Affiliation with LiteBlue – Local Postal Service personnel offices used to provide counseling services for active letter carriers.

Older People and Work

We look at individuals in seats of power differently because of their status. But the answer to the question is just as true for positions of power as it is for an older person working at the Walmart.

Weekly NEwsletter – PASS-IT-ON

weekly newsletter

Weekly Newsletter Weekly Newsletter:The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is moving aggressively towards implementing the final rule that will govern the regulations and guidelines for phased retirement.  OPM released its draft plan of phased-retirement in 2013.  Persons eligible for retirement who meet other criteria will essentially be able to work part-time while receiving half of […]

Phased Retirement – Closing the Knowledge Gap

phased retirement

Federal employees are continuing to retire at enormous rates. What does that mean for continuity of federal services? Without proper succession planning and the transfer of knowledge via consistent and strategic methods, the knowledge gap will widen.

TSP and Social Security

Federal employees that are a part of the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) are eligible for both Social Security and for Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) employer matching – therefor these employees have quite a number of things to think about as they prepare for retirement.

Weekly Newsletter -THE TSP

Weekly Newsletter: TSP Weekly Newsletter: Imagine you had the opportunity to accumulate a half million dollars or more towards your retirement future and you passed it up.  Who doesn’t dream of winning a lottery and suddenly having all the money you will ever need and more to take care of yourself and your family.  So […]

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) and Taxes

Traditional excess deferrals to your account must be reported on the employee’s individual tax return as taxable income for the year in which excess deferrals were made.

What are the Contribution Limits for TSP

If an employee has made excess TSP contributions, those funds can be returned by completing Form TSP-44-Request for Return of Excess Employee Contributions. Eligible participants must complete the Form TSP-44 and send it to the TSP for processing. As soon as the TSP receives your TSP-44, your excess deferrals and earning will be returned to you.

Matching Contributions: TSP

The TSP matching is achieved dollar-for-dollar on the first 3% of basic pay and 50 cents on-the-dollar for the remaining 2% of the basic pay earnings.

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