You, the CEO
Organizations have many layers of responsibility. However, the organization’s failures or successes rest in the hands of the Chief Executive Officer, the CEO. The BUCK stops with YOU, because you are the CEO of the Business of Your Life.
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Make sure that your service computation date is correct as well as your FEHB and FEGLI elections verifying at least 5 years of participation.  Meeting the five year requirement enables you to take your FEHB and FEGLI into retirement.
Consider letting the last two years prior to your planned retirement year, be a period of investigation and examination of your work history profile to avoid surprises as you draw closer to your targeted retirement year. Give yourself time to process the information you have gathered to determine the level of utilization and implementation.
Once you have made your inquiries, gathered and assembled critical information, processed the information to determine the right fit for your retirement vision, you can then begin applying what you have learned from your research and investigation.
Determining the right fit for your retirement vision is highly customized. Your retirement future is not a cookie-cutter phenomenon, but a challenge and an opportunity unique to your circumstances, needs, values and choices – The Business of Your Life. Applying what you have learned means making it happen, making it real and making it work. It’s up to you to make it happen – the BUCK stops with YOU- the CEO.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.